[Functions and powers of the President of India]
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Functions and powers of the President of India |
The President of India is called the first civilian Lok Sabha of India. The executive power of the Indian Union is vested in the President. To be a presidential candidate, it is necessary that he should be an Indian citizen, his minimum age was 35 years. He was qualified to be elected a member of the Lok Sabha. Do it. The President is elected by an electoral college composed of elected members of both houses of parliament and elected members of their legislatures, nominated parliamentarians do not participate in the presidential election, giving presidential candidates 2 weeks to campaign. Goes The candidate for the Presidential election must be proposed by at least 50 members and supported by at least as many members. The President is elected by a single transferable secret vote from the proportional representation system.Prior to the 70th Constitutional Amendment, the members of the legislative assemblies of the Union Territories were not included in the President's electoral college. But by the 70th Constitutional Amendment, it was arranged that the members of the two Union Territories of Pondicherry and the National Capital Territory of Delhi assemblies would be included in the President's electoral college. In the year 1961, the village was amended by constitutional amendment or it was arranged that even if there is a place in the electoral college, the President can be elected.
- A person in the post of President of India can also be a candidate for election for a second term.
- At the time of making his nomination for election to the post of President, a sum of ₹ 15,000 is required to be deposited by the Returning Officer.
- In the presidential election, less than 1/6 of the total votes were polled, but when the candidate's bail amount gets.
- Cases or disputes related to the election of the President are settled by the Supreme Court.
- A person can stand for the post of president as many times as he wants and can be elected.
- When the term of the President is about to expire, before the President is elected, if the election is delayed due to the reason, then the incumbent President remains in office till the new President takes office. It is noteworthy that at this time the Vice President does not act as President.
- Presidential election of 1969 AD opened on 'I'
- Voting took place.
- President can be elected in the event of a state's cannabis cannabis. In 1974 the nation…
- Income tax exemption is provided for the President's salary and allowances.
- The President continues to get a lifetime pension even when he resigns during his tenure.
- The Vice-President and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court takes over in the absence of the President and the Vice-President if the President is vacant for any reason.
- Mohammad Hidayatullah is the only Chief Justice of India who has discharged the responsibility of the President.
- The President gives his resignation to the Vice President and the Vice President informs it to the Speaker.
- It is compulsory to elect the President within 6 months from the date of his becoming a pastor.
- The President exercises executive powers under constitutional bonds.
- The President was forced to accept the advice of the Council of Ministers by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act.
- The 44th constitutional amendment empowered the President to transmit the advice of the Council of Ministers only for reconsideration. If the Council of Ministers stands firm on its idea, then the President should follow the same advice.
- If a deadlock arises between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in relation to a bill, the impasse is called away by the President calling the two Houses a joint sitting.
- Lok Sabha members are sworn in by the President or a person authorized by him.
- The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.
- The President appoints a person who has a majority in the Lok Sabha.
- Apart from the Prime Minister, the President appoints other ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister.
- Union territories are administered by the President.
- When a bill is passed by Parliament in addition to a money bill, the President has the right to send it back for reconsideration.
- The President's Address prepares the Union Cabinet.
- Disputes related to the eligibility of members of Parliament are decided by the President on the advice of the Election Commission.
- The President appoints the judges of the Supreme Court. The President consults the Supreme Court and the judges of the High Court in this regard.
- The President has the power to appoint them - other ministers of the Council of Ministers, the Attorney General of India, the Chief Justice of the High Court, the Controller and Auditor General, other judges of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice of the High Court and other judges, the Governor of the States, Chairman and Member of Union Public Service Commission and United States Public Service Commission, Chairman of Finance Commission, Election Neither Member of the Commission and Chief Election Commissioner, Official Language Commission, Minority and Backward Classes Commission, Commission for Scheduled Areas, High Commissioner etc.
- National tendency has the right to remove them from the post- Governor of States, Ministers of Council of Ministers, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court on Parliament Report or Election Commissioner, Chairman of Public Service Commission (Union or State) on High Court Report or Member Yadi
- The President and members of the Union Public Service Commission and the Joint Public Service Commission are appointed by the President.
- The judges of the Supreme Court take oath before the President before assuming his office.
- The Attorney General of India is responsible to the President.
- The Governor is responsible to the President for his actions.
- The Governors of the states continue in their office till the Prasad of the President.
- The President can dissolve the Lok Sabha under Article 85 of the Constitution.
- The Governor of a state may reserve the bills passed by the Legislature for consideration of the President.
- The President can use the JB veto due to lack of time limit for deciding whether to allow or not to allow the President on any Bill.
- The exercise of JB veto power is the Indian Post Office Amendment Bill passed by Parliament in 1986.
- On which the then President Giani Zail Singh did not take any decision.
- All executive decisions and actions of the Central Government are done in the name of the President.
- The Federal Cabinet advises and assists the President to use his executive powers.
- If no party gets a clear majority in the Lok Sabha, then the President can use his discretion to give a vote to any person of his choice.
- At the beginning of the symbol session, the President gives a speech at the joint session of both the Houses of Parliament, which includes the general policies and future programs of the government.
- The ordinance issued by the President is as effective and powerful as the Act passed by Parliament.
- The ordinance issued by the President can remain in effect until 6 weeks after the commencement of the next session of Parliament.
- The President cannot issue ordinances on the subjects of the State List.
- So far, the President has dissolved the Lok Sabha five times before the term ends.
- The President of Padmavati, I do not have the power to issue any order for the imprisonment of any court from its size.
- Any kind of punitive action against the President during his term of office can neither be ensured nor continued in any court.
- The President being the constitutional head of the Indian Union, he represents the relations of the country.
- The President can consult the Supreme Court in legal matters.
- The President has consulted the Supreme Court in 11 cases so far, while the Supreme Court has advised the President in only 10 cases.
- The residence of the President is called 'Rashtrapati Bhavan'.
- The Rashtrapati Bhavan was built for the use of the joint British Viceroy in India, the first Viceroy to live in it was Lord Irwin. [1931]
- The President of India can return any money bill passed by Parliament once.
- The President constitutes the Finance Commission after every 5 years.
- With the permission of the President, an Indian citizen can get a degree from foreign government.
- The budget is presented by the Finance Minister to Parliament every year in the name of the President.
- The President can use his pardon power on the following types of punishments - capital punishment, punishment given by military court, punishments in such cases which fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Executive.
- It is most appropriate to compare the President of India with the Emperor of Britain.
- The permission of the President is necessary before the introduction of the bill related to change of states, money bill, this subject etc. mentioned in Article 31A (1).
[President can impose emergency in 3 circumstances]
(1) If the security of India or any part of it is in danger due to war, Brahman invasion or armed rebellion. (Article 352)
(2) The rule of a state is not in keeping with the constitution and the constitutional system fails (Article 356).
(3) When financial stability is in crisis in India or any part thereof. (Article 360)
An emergency declaration is made on the satisfaction of the cabinet based on the recommendation of the cabinet in situations 1 and 3 and on the basis of any report of the governor in situation-2.
The duration of President's rule in a state is 6 months and can be extended up to a maximum of 3 years.
In India, the President can announce the constitutional emergency of a state if the youth are satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the state government is not able to run the administration under the provisions of the Constitution.
The declaration of emergency by the President can be challenged in the court.
- The President can proclaim emergency for any or some part of the country.
- Emergency can remain in force for only 2 months without Parliament's approval.
- Approval of Parliament is required within 1 month of the declaration of State Constitutional Emergency by the President and to keep it in force, approval of Parliament is required after every 6 months.
- If the Lok Sabha becomes distorted at the time of declaration of emergency or within 1 month of that, the new Lok Sabha has to be approved within 30 days of its first sitting.
- If the Lok Sabha gets wicket at the time of declaration of emergency or within 1 month of that, then the new Lok Sabha has to be approved within 30 days of its first meeting.
- In the event of war or an attack on the country, the President finally declares war against the invader.
Proclamation of National Emergency-
October 26, 1962 ------ China during the war,
3 December 1971 ---------- In time of Pak war,
25 June 1975 ------------ Internal disturbance
There is no limit to the maximum duration of national emergency.
- On 24 January 1950, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was given an interim presidential election.
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first President of India, he was elected President for two consecutive terms.
- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Lagatar was twice Vice President and 1 time President.
- Only Bibi Giri was elected the President who, despite giving an unambiguous majority to the Congress, won the election as an independent candidate.
- Only Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy became the President who was once defeated in the election and later elected unopposed.
- Except Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Farrukhuddin Ali Ahmed, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, Giani Zail Singh, APJ Abdul Kalam and Pranab Mukherjee, all other presidents were formerly Vice Presidents.
- 2 Presidents of India, Zakir Hussain and Farruko Din Ali Ahmed died during their tenure.
- The tenure of the President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain, was the shortest term.
- Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was the youngest on the post of President.
- R • Venkat Raman was the oldest person to hold the post of President.
- Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, the official candidate of Congress of B • B • Giri was defeated in the presidential election of 1969.
- Acting President V • V • Giri resigned and won the presidential election.
- Hidayatullah was sworn in as acting president by the senior and senior judges of the Supreme Court.
Very Good Post, Informative Content. Thank You.
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