Mastering the art of managing your finances requires continuous learning. Whether you're a novice in the realm of financial management or seeking fresh inspiration to enhance your wealth, finance and investment blogs serve as valuable educational resources, offering insights into various aspects of finance.
Recognizing that no single person or blog can cover all the dimensions of finance comprehensively, we have compiled a list of the top 15 finance blogs in India. These blogs encompass a wide range of finance-related topics and provide up-to-date information, tips, and ideas to empower you in taking better control of your finances. Prepare your bookmarks as we present the 15 finest blogs in India dedicated to finance, investing, and personal finance.
MoneyTap: MoneyTap is primarily a fintech lending company that extends quick personal loans in India. Shiv Nanda, a financial analyst, shares his expertise through blogs on MoneyTap's platform. His articles elucidate the fundamentals of financial planning, offer money-saving tips, and provide strategies to break detrimental financial habits, ultimately guiding readers towards financial success.
Money Excel: Shitanshu, the author behind Money Excel, aims to educate Indian consumers on the significance of financial planning. His blog delves into managing various financial products encompassing personal finance, real estate, insurance, the stock market, and more.
Basunivesh: Managed by Basavaraj Tonagatti, Basunivesh stands as one of the premier financial blogs in India. Tonagatti addresses the common challenges individuals encounter in today's financial landscape, offering valuable insights into insurance, investment, tax planning, and other relevant topics.
JagoInvestor: Founded by Manish Chauhan, Jago Investor imparts invaluable knowledge regarding investment, tax planning, mutual funds, and money-saving. Chauhan's platform serves as a reliable source for investors seeking guidance and information on these crucial financial aspects.
GoodReturns: GoodReturns primarily focuses on personal finance, delivering content in six languages: Hindi, English, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu. Available across desktop, mobile apps, and mobile web, this personal finance portal under covers an array of essential aspects, including business news, stock markets, mutual funds, taxes, banking, debt market, and more.
ApnaPlan: Amit Kumar, the founder, and author of ApnaPlan, educates readers about various financial products, ranging from investment and loans to insurance and credit cards.
Cashoverflow: Pardeep Goyal, a self-taught marketing and personal finance blogger, initiated as one of India's premier finance blogs. His platform aims to raise awareness about diverse financial aspects such as savings, investments, insurance, banking services, loans, and more.
Safal Niveshak: Vishal Khandelwal, the visionary behind Safal Niveshak, shares success stories of investors, conducts interviews with Indian investors, and offers e-books and courses on investing, empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions.
Taxguru: As one of India's most popular tax and money-saving blogs, Tax Guru provides comprehensive information about various types of taxes, including income tax, service tax, sales tax, and excise. Additionally, the blog offers numerous money-saving ideas.
Money Gyan: Santanu Debnath established Money Gyan to educate individuals on insurance, financial life, money management, and investments. This platform offers guidance on handling personal finance matters, providing tips, guides, and strategies to enhance financial literacy.
Money Control: Money Control serves as an online financial guide, offering a plethora of blogs, tips, and guides on topics such as money-saving, investments, budget planning, real estate, loans, insurance
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