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My Struggle for An Education by Booker T. Washington Class-11

My Struggle for An Education by Booker T. Washington Class-11
my struggle for an education 

    My Struggle for An Education Text Book And Video

    ‘My Struggle for An Education’ is a chapter that highlights the efforts made by Booker T. washington in getting the education. My Struggle for An Education chapter elaborates all the accounts of his journey to Hampton and getting the admission in the inttistate.

    'माई एट्रगल फॉर एन एजुकेशन' एक ऐसा अध्याय है जो शिक्षा प्राप्त करने में Booker T. washington द्वारा किए गए प्रयासों पर प्रकाश डालता है। माई एट्रगल फॉर एन एजुकेशन चैप्टर उनके सभी खातों को विस्तृत करता है

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    Important Characters in My Struggle for An Education Chapter

    Booker T. Washington
    बुकर टी वॉशिंगटन
    The narrtor, who had struggled a lot to get education.
    कथाकार, जिन्हें शिक्षा प्राप्त करने हेतु बहुत संघर्ष करना पड़ा था।
    John Washington
    जॉन वॉशिंगटन
    Eider brother of the narrator, who helped him with the little money. कथाकार के बड़े भाई, जिन्होंने थोड़े पैसे से उनकी मदद की थी।
    Mother of Narrator
    कथाकार की मां
    An elderly woman, who gave a half-hearted consent to the narrator to go to Hapton. एक वृद्ध महिला, जिन्होंने हैम्पटन जाने का लिए कथाकार को आधे अधूरे मन से स्वीकृत किया।
    Captain of the Cargo
    कार्गो का कप्तान  
    A kind-hearted man, who allowed Booker to work for some money.
    एक दयालु व्यक्ति, जिन्होंने थोड़े पैसों के लिए बुकर को काम करने की अनुमति दी थी।
    Head Teacher
    हेड शिक्षिका
    The teacher, who was incharge of giving admissions to new students. शिक्षिका जो नये छात्रों को दाखिला देने की प्रभारी थी।

    Booker's Ambition to Join Hampton Institute (बुकर टी वॉशिंगटन हैंपटन इंस्टिट्यूट मे में प्रवेश लेने की महत्वकांक्षा)

    One day while at work, Booker T Washington overheard two men talking about a school for coloured people in viginia. He learned that the school not only geve the student a quality education, But also provided them with siffcient opportunities to pay for the tuition and lodging. Moreover, the students would be taught a trade or some industry. It seemed to Booker T Washington to be the greatest place on Earth and he determined to go to the Hampton Institute.

    एक दिन बुकर टी वॉशिंगटन दो लोगों को चोरी-छिपे यह बात करते हुए सुना की वर्जिनियां में अश्वेतों के लिए एक स्कूल हैं। उन्हें यह भी ज्ञात हुआ कि यह स्कूल केवल गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। अपितु उन्हें शिक्षा के खर्च रहने की खर्च अदा कर पाने की अवसर भी प्रदान करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, विद्यार्थियों को किसी व्यवसाय या किसी उद्योग की शिक्षा भी दी जाती है। बुकर टी वाशिंगटन को यह स्थान दुनिया का सबसे महानतम् स्थान लगा। और उन्होंने हैंपटन इंस्टिट्यूट जाने का निश्चय कर लिया।

    Financial Constraints (आर्थिक चुनौतियां)

    Booker T Washington had very little money to buy clothes pay for his traveling expenses. His brother gave him all the money he could to help him achieve his dream. However, Booker's mother was of the upinion that it was a ‘wild-goose chase’. His mother was in ill-health and so when he bid he goodbye it was the realisation that he would probably never see her again.

    बुकर टी वॉशिंगटन के पास कपड़े खरीदनतथा यात्रा का खर्च वाहन करने के लिए थोड़े ही पैसे थे। उनके भाई ने उनके सपने को पूरा करने के लिए, जितना भी संभव था, उतने पैसे दे दिए। हालांकि, बुकर की मां को यह एक व्यर्थ का प्रयास लग रहा था। उनकी मां का स्वास्थ्य अच्छा नहीं था। और जब बुकर टी वॉशिंगटन कर उन्हें अलविदा कह रहे थे तो उन्हें यह आभास हो रहा था कि वे शायद उन्हें दोबारा नहीं देख पाएंगे।

    Booker's Journey to Hampton (बुकर की हैंपटन यात्रा)

    The distance from Malden to Hampton was about live hundred miles. Booker T Washington  did not have enough money to pay for his fare. He walked around, begging for rides in wagons and cars until he reached the city of Richmond, which was about eighty-two miles from Hampton. He was tired, hungry and completely out of money. He could not find and lodging and was so exhausted that he crawled under a broad sidewalk and went to sleep. In the morning, he noticed a ship unloading a cargo of pig-iron. He went to the captain, who permitted him to work there for a small amount per day. Finally Booker T Washington saved enough money to reach Hampton.
    मल्डेन से हैंपटन तक की दूरी लगभग 500 मील थी। भ बुकर के पास यात्रा के खर्च वहन करने लायक पैसे नहीं थे। वे पैदल चलें, गाड़ियों तथा कारों में प्रार्थना कर यात्रा की अनुमति ली, जब तक वे रिचमंड तक नहीं पहुंच गए, जिसकी दूरी हैंपटन से 82 मील थी। वे थक गए थे, भूखे थे, तथा उनके सारे पैसे समाप्त हो गए थे। उन्हें रहने का कोई अस्थान नहीं मिला तथा वे इतना थक गए थे कि एक चौड़े फुटपाथ के नीचे ही सो गए। सुबह उन्होंने देखा कि एक जहाज से ढलवा-लोहे को नीचे उतारा जा रहा था। हवाई जहाज के कैप्टन के पास गए, जिसने उन्हें कम पैसों के बदले प्रतिदिन काम करने की आज्ञा दी। अंततः बुकर हैंपटन तक जाने के लायक पैसे बचा लिए थे।

    Booker T Washington Admission into the Hampton Institute (हैंपटन इंस्टिट्यूट में Booker का दाखिला)

    Booker was thrilled to see the massive structure of the Hampton Institute. He was surprised by the beauty of the school building and believed that this was going to be the start of a splendid chapter in his life. He presented himself before the head teacher to enroll. However, he didn’t make a
    very favourable impression on her, because of his dirty clothes and rough appearance. After a while, she sent Booker T Washington sweep the adjoining recitation room. Booker swept and dusted every surface of the room three times. When she inspected the room, she wal satisfied and gave him admision.

    हैंपटन इंस्टीट्यूट के विशालकाय आकार को देखकर बुकर रोमांचित हो गए। स्कूल भवन की सुंदरता देख हुआ आश्चर्यचकित रह गए थे तथा उन्हें लगा कि यह उनके जीवन के शानदार अध्याय की शुरुआत थी। वह मुख्य शिक्षिका के पास दाखिला लेने के लिए गए। मगर अपने गंदे कपड़े व असभ्य दिखने की वजह से वह उन्हें प्रभावित नहीं कर सके थे। थोड़ी देर बाद उन्होंने भूकर को पास वाले गोष्ठी कक्ष की सफाई करने को भेज दिया। बुकर ने झाड़ू लगाई तथा कमरे के सभी स्थानों पर धूल को तीन बार हटाया।जब उन्होंने कमरे का निरीक्षण किया तो वे संतुष्ट हो गई और उन्हें दाखिला दे दिया।

    Passage for Explanation

    (1) As they went on describing the school, it seemed to me that it must the greatest place on earth. Not even Heaven presented more attractions for me at that time then did the Hampton normal and agricultural institute in virginia, about which this man where talking. I resolved at once to go to that school, although I had no idea where it was or how many miles away or how how I was going to reach itI was on fire cons which with one ambition, and that was to go to Hampton. this thought was with me day and night.

    Reference » These lines have been taken from the lesson my ‘My Struggle for An Education’ written by Booker T Washington.

    Context » The writer's greatest ambition was gate educated. When he heard about the Hampton Institute, he was keen to join it. Moreover this schoolpresented many opportunities to the coloured student.

    Explanation » One day, while at work, Booker T Washington overheard two men talking about a school for coloured people in in Virginia. He learned that the school not only give the students a quality education but also provided them with sufficient opportunities to pay for the tuition and lodging. As the two miners went to describing the school, it seemed to Booker to be the greatest place on Earth.

    He thought that even Heaven could not presented so many attractions as the Hampton Institute. Booker, thus, determind to determined to the school. However, he had no idea where it was located. Itna overcome his grated ambition to reach Hampton.

    (2) In the fall of 1872, determined to make an effort to get there. My mother troubled with a agave tear that I was starting out on a ‘wild-goose chase’. At any rate, I  got only a half-hearted consent from her that I might start. I had very little money with which to buy clothes and pay my travelling expenses. my brother John helped me all that he could; but, of course, that was not a great deal.

    Reference » Same as passege 1.
    Context » The writer, Booker T Washington was very to go to Hampton. he had about a great school with there. he decided to go, however his mother considered it foolish and he was also sort of money.

    Explanation » Washington was very much impressed with the description of the Hampton Institute. He, thusmade up his mind to go there in the fall of 1872. However, his mother was very troubled at his decision because she thought it was a foolish and Unobtainable task. Anywho, she gave him the permission to go there with no real interest, Washington had very small amount of money to buy cloth and to pay for his travelling expenses. his brother John help with small amount of money which was also not enough.

    (3) My mother at the time was rather weak and broken in health. I hardly expected to see her again and thus our parting was all the More sad. She, however, was very brave through it all.

    Reference » Same as passege 1.

    Context » The writer, Booker T Washington was ready to start his journey to the Hampton Institute. it was an institute of his dreams as it imparted education to coloured people.
    Explanation » when he was starting on this very difficult journey, his mother was very ill. she had grown weak was broken in health. Booker did not expect that she would stay alive his return. this thought made their separation even more sad. However, his mother behaved in a brave manners and showed no sing of weakness at the time of departure.

    (4) I had never been in a large city, and this rather added to my misery. When I reached, I was completey out of money, I had not a single acquaintance in the place; and, being unused to city ways, I did not know where to go. I asked at several places for lodging, but they all wanted money, and that was  l did not have. Knowing noting else better to do, I walked the streets.
    Reference » Same as passege 1.

    Context » Booker had started his journey for Hampton with a very little amount of money. Somehow he reached Richmond after walking and begging rides both in wagons and cars.
    Explanation » When Booker reached Richmond, he was very tired, hungry and dirty. He had never been in a large city like Richmond. Richmond was about eighty-two miles away from Hampton. It was a large city and he did not know anybody there. It was an unknown City for him. He was unused to the city ways and did not know where to go. Moreover, he had no money at all. He tried at several places for lodging, But everyone asked for mone. Unfortunetely, he had no money at all. There was nothing that he could do, so just walked through streets.

    (5) I must hav  walked streets till after midnight. At last I became so exhausted that I could walk no longer. I was tired, I was hungry, I was everything but discouraged Just about the time when I reached extreme physical exhaustion, I come upon a portion of a street where the broad sidewalk was considerably elevated. I  waited for a few minules till I was sure that no passers-by could see me and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the night on the ground, with my Satchel of clothing for a pillow. Nearly all night I could hear the tramp of feet over my head.

    Reference » Same as passege 1.

    Context » When Booker reached Richmond, he was completely out of money. He was very tired, hungry and dirty. It was a large city and he did not know anybody there. He had no money so he couldn’t find any place to stay. He, thus, roamed the streets and was physically exhausted.
    Explanation » Booker could not find any lodging at Richmond as he was out of money.  He , thus kept on walking the streets till after midnight. He was physically very tired and hungry. However, he was not discouraged. Just when he reached the state of extreme physical exhaustion, he saw a board sidewalk which was sufficiently raised above the ground. He waited there for a few minutes to make sure that no passers-by saw him. he used his bag of clothes as a pillow. However, he would not sleep properly because he could hear the sound of footsteps of the passers-by over his head the whole night.

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